Try Best Leg And Shoulder Workout Same Day

Best Leg And Shoulder Workout

Best Leg And Shoulder Workout

Training legs and shoulders together is cumbersome, but you can save time by judiciously targeting both muscle groups together to train more effectively. Plus, you can rapidly improve both muscle groups in a short amount of time. Today, we are going to put together the best leg and shoulder workout for the second leg day at the gym. Let’s get started and find out.


Can You Train Legs And Shoulders Together?

Of course! Since the leg and shoulder muscle groups are non-competitive, they do not compete with each other. So you can train your legs and shoulders at the same time. It means that if you do a leg workout, your shoulder muscle groups don’t work, and the same goes for the shoulders.

When you plan your workout splits, it’s essential to consider your personal goals and preferences according to your body. Because workout plans are different for everyone, if you have little time to spend in the gym or need more time to plan a single workout, combining leg and shoulder workouts can be an excellent way for you.

However, it is essential to maintain proper form and technique during your exercise to ensure you are targeting the correct muscles to avoid injury or accidents. Cleverly, doing a Leg and shoulder workout on the same day can give you an immersive full-body workout experience.


Are Combining Legs and Shoulders Workouts Effective?

Doing Leg and Shoulder Workouts together can save you valuable time in the gym, and it becomes possible to Workout two parts of the body at the same time. But its effectiveness depends on your workout plan and work capacity.

Who doesn’t want to finish a gym workout with targeted muscle groups in a short amount of time? So, doing Leg and Shoulder Workouts together is a great way to save your time. Leg and Shoulder is a big muscle group, so it needs a lot of time and effort to train.

By training your legs and shoulders together, you’ll hit both your lower body and upper body muscles in one session. But here’s the thing: if you’re not used to training both muscle groups on the same day, you’ll find it difficult to complete all the exercises, and you’ll need more energy. And if you can’t engage every muscle group, you may be missing out on gains for convenience.

Leg and Shoulder Training can be done on the same day, but it’s not for everyone! If you are short on time and high on exercise, this is a great day for you. And if you are new to the gym and prefer long workouts, stay away from training Leg and Shoulder together and train these muscle groups separately.


How To Start Leg And Shoulder Workouts Together?

Combining leg and shoulder workouts can effectively maximize your time in the gym and build overall strength and muscle. However, it is essential to plan your Workouts carefully to effectively target both muscle groups and minimize the risk of injury. Below is a step-by-step blueprint for initiating combined leg and shoulder workout sessions.

  1. Warm-up: Initiate your workout with an appropriate warm-up to enhance blood circulation to your muscles and prime your body for exercise. Spend 5-10 minutes doing light cardio like jogging, cycling or jumping jacks, followed by dynamic stretches for your legs and shoulders.
  2. Exercise selection: Choose a combination of leg and shoulder exercises to work both muscle groups efficiently. In leg and shoulder workouts, you must do leg exercises first. Because if you go for leg exercise after shoulder exercise, you will be tired. Here’s a variety of exercises you can integrate into your training program:

     Leg Exercises:

Leg Exercises
Leg Exercises

     – Squats

     – Lunges

     – Leg press

     – Leg extension

     – Hamstring curls



     Shoulder Exercises:

     – Overhead press (standing or sitting)

Shoulder Exercises
Shoulder Exercises

     – Dumbbell shoulder press

     – Lateral raises

     – Front raises

     – Shrugs



  1. Workout Split: There are a few ways you can structure your leg and shoulder workout:
  2. Supersetting: Alternate between leg and shoulder exercises in a superset fashion. For example, do a set of squats followed by overhead presses, then rest. Continue this sequence for the number of sets you have in mind.
  3. Circuit Training: Create a circuit with leg and shoulder exercises and other compound movements. Do one exercise after another with minimal rest between exercises. Complete the entire course and rest.
  4. Separate Segments: Divide your workout into two parts, dedicating the first half to leg exercises and the second to shoulder exercises. Rest for a few minutes between segments.
  5. Delegates and Sets: Your choice of repetitions and sets hinges on your specific fitness objectives. Aim for 3-5 sets of 8-12 repetitions for each exercise to build muscle. If you focus on strength, go for lower reps (3-5) with heavier weights.
  6. Rest period: Allow adequate rest between sets (usually 1-2 minutes) to recover and maintain proper form. Take long rests between exercises if necessary.
  7. Form and technique: Prioritize proper form and technique for each exercise to prevent injury and ensure you’re targeting the right muscle groups. Consider working with a fitness instructor to ensure you use the proper form.
  8. Cooling down: After completing your leg and shoulder workout, finish with a cooldown period. Do static stretches to help improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.
  9. Nutrition and Recovery: Nutrition plays a pivotal role in facilitating the healing and enhancement of muscle strength and size. Make sure you consume enough protein and carbohydrates to support your workout. Also, get enough rest and sleep to allow your body to recover and grow.
  10. Progress: To see continuous improvement, gradually increase the weight, repetitions, or sets in your workout over time.

Listen to your body and adjust your workouts to prevent overtraining or injury. If you’re new to combining leg and shoulder workouts, consider consulting with a fitness professional or personal trainer to create a customized program that fits your goals and fitness level.


Benefits Of Incorporating Leg And Shoulder Workouts

First of all, as we have explained above, doing leg and shoulder Workouts together is not applicable for everyone! If you plan to combine these two muscle groups in one session, here are some benefits of doing the legs and shoulders workout together.


If you want to hit the muscles by training two of your muscle groups together in your short time at the gym, then Leg And Shoulder Workouts are a great way to try. One way to make your workout more efficient is to use supersets. For instance, you can do squats and immediately follow with shoulder presses. It not only saves time but also gives your muscles an extra challenge. As a result, you can reduce your gym time and grow muscles faster by training two parts of the body at the same time.


The next thing to consider when you save time is how often you train. Consider training your shoulders and legs twice weekly if you want better results. Many experienced lifters find that working the same muscle group twice weekly leads to more noticeable improvements. So, by doubling these sessions, you’ll get those gains even faster!


You can structure this workout in a variety of ways. Training two muscle groups together will require more effort and energy than one, no matter how you split these workouts. By incorporating this method, you’ll increase the sets and reps your body can handle during each training. As your muscles gradually become stronger through progressive overload, your body becomes better equipped to take on greater challenges each session, ultimately leading to more significant overall gains.


Attention to any muscle group is essential to building muscle and strengthening the body. If your legs or shoulders are weak or underdeveloped, all the above benefits will help you outgrow this weakness. You can hit them twice a week by saving you valuable time and combining these two muscle groups into one workout. As a result, they grow faster and eliminate muscle imbalances, improving your gym performance.


Strategically Planning Your Leg and Shoulder Workout Routine

Your leg and shoulder workout routine should be based on your goals. Remember, prioritize leg exercises first, as you may be too tired to do leg exercises after shoulder exercises. Below, we’ve created five workouts based on five goals for you to hit the gym with that are very rewarding.

1. WEAK LEGS – Start with LEGS Training

In this Workout, we’ll prioritize leg training when you have more energy. Finally, we’ll wrap up the Workout with a superset that targets your shoulders and does some extra recovery for your legs. Perform 10-12 reps for 3 sets, with 60-90 seconds of rest between each set:

  • Goblet squat
  • Leg Press
  • Superset: Split Squat – Dumbbell Military Press 
  • Superset: Leg Extension – Cable Lateral Raise 
  • Superset: Hamstring Curl – Frontal Raise

2. WEAK Shoulders – Start with Shoulder Training

Your solder is prioritized first in this Workout. We emphasize shoulder development and strength, including two compound exercises that engage your leg muscles. Perform 10-12 reps for 3 sets, with 60-90 seconds of rest between each set:

  • Barbell overhead press
  • Lateral Raise
  • Cable Rope Front Raise
  • Incline Dumbbell Reverse Fly
  • Superset: Squat with twisting overhead press
  • Superset: Deadlift to upright row


This Workout is all about building strength. It starts by thoroughly working your leg muscles before shifting the focus to achieving muscle failure in your shoulders. Aim for 8-10 reps per set, and do 4 sets with a minimum of 2 minutes of rest between each set:



This Workout incorporates supersets to target hypertrophy to increase strength and muscular endurance. Repeat 10-12 times for each exercise in 3 sets, transitioning quickly between exercises with minimal rest. Allow yourself 60-second breaks between sets:

  • Goblet squat with a seated shoulder press
  • Romanian Deadlift with lateral raises 
  • Alternating lunges with front raises 
  • Bulgarian split squat with bent over rear delt flyes 



Follow this if you need help determining which of the two muscle groups to focus on and are short on time. This plan can be an excellent way to increase your work capacity and build both muscles simultaneously. Perform 10-12 reps for 3 sets, with 60 seconds of rest between each set:

  • Barbell Squat 
  • Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
  • Leg Press
  • Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press 
  • Dumbbell Deadlift
  • Lateral Raises
  • Hamstring Curl
  • Frontal Raises


Drawbacks of Leg and Shoulder Workouts

Combining leg and shoulder workouts can be efficient but has potential pitfalls. Overtraining is a concern, as both muscle groups are demanding and can lead to fatigue and decreased performance. Maintaining proper form for both areas in a single session can increase the risk of injury. Specialized routines better suit the purpose of specific goals, and beginners may find them overwhelming. Careful planning, prioritizing recovery, and considering individual fitness goals and experience levels can help mitigate these pitfalls when structuring leg and shoulder workouts. So you should consult a fitness trainer at your GYM.


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